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Valentines Day Cocktail Gift Box


Dante's Valentines Day Gift Box includes one bottle of each of the following Valentines Day Cocktails. The perfect choice for any cocktail lover.  Each bottle is 8oz & serves 3

The Rose

Lillet Rosé | Raspberry Eau de Vie | Raspberry | Rumor Rosé

The Rose was one of THE vogue cocktails of the 1920’s in Paris. It’s also one of our favourite drinks of all time. Classically, it calls for dry vermouth, Kirsch and redcurrant. At Dante, we use Lillet Rosé instead of dry vermouth, raspberry eau de vie instead of cherry (kirsch) and raspberry instead of redcurrant, then garnish with a few drops of rose water on a rose petal. The result is a beautiful, elegant, floral yet balanced drink which is is delicious as it is pretty.

Heart of Gold

Courvosier  VSOP | Cocchi Torino | Oloroso | Chocolate Bitters | Cocoa

Start with roses, finish with chocolate, as is the traditional valentines way! This is no ordinary chocolate drink, we wanted something that was rich and luxurious, but with a high quality dark cocoa element. All of the spirits are blended together, before the whole drink is infused with Valrhona cocoa nibs.

The cocktail box includes our illustrated coasters, signature matches and our legendary Dante  playlist.Should you like to include a handwritten note in this gift box, please email with the notes for the card alongside your order number.

For pickup- please go to Dante West Village on the corner of Perry and Hudson, where all of our gift boxes will be available for purchase. 

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